At The End Of The Day
Sunrise and sunset pictures at one time dominated my picture folder. The only way to tell some sunrise/sunset pictures apart was if the...
What's In Your Cup
Last week I read an inspirational ditty about spilling things. The jist was if you're carrying a cup of coffee, and someone bumps you so...
More Ugly Pots
Why when I paint do I end up looking like I'm the pallet instead of the canvass or the wall looking like the intended target? And I...
Much Ado, or Much To Do...
Lists. I have made lists of 'things to do' for a good forty years now. Some days the same thing appears days in a row. Often it takes me...
The Story And the Writer
“A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author.” G. K. Chesterton The last few days...
At It's Finest
Thank God I don't have ugly kids... The saying goes something like: No matter what life throws at me, thank God... Ugly. What is ugly?...
More than a Barbecue
Personal note here: this is a repost from May 30, 2018, which is why it has a reference to 'more than a barbecue'. We had a barbecue this...
Memorial Day
While watching older people grappling with dementia I wondered which would be worse, having your mind and yet not having the use of your...
Ugly Pots
Most usually my post starts with a picture. Either because of me, or in spite of me. Last week I had my poor beleaguered photographer...
Some Things That Are Happening
As I look around our house I'm thinking of having my Adorable Cousin come out and help me clean house. Then I remember. The last time we...