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Finding the Key

Working together—the key has to fit the door to be a benefit.

Have you ever wanted to help someone, but felt as if you lacked the key? It may have been information you lacked. It may have been knowledge, or resources, or ability. Since not everyone needs the same kind of help it takes wisdom and discernment to understand and minister to the different needs.

Knowledge—have you ever thought you knew something or someone only to discover things you thought were true weren't?

If you would have asked me several years ago who Steve Martin was I would have said he was a comedian. I've since learned that he is also a banjo player, and not just any old banjo player, but a player of renown. He was also a singer and a dancer. Here's a song he has written and here he is preforming the song with the Steep Canyon Rangers.

This is an interesting song. It may or may not pull back a curtain as to who Steve Martin is, but often it is those who have known the mountain highs as well as the deep valleys that speak to the hearts of others.

And for some reason the lines: 'Tellin lies about the things I did...' and 'Memory of what never was became the good old days', leave questions—more questions and no answers.

I know of instances where asking people of the same family about their childhood gets several different views. One person will say, 'oh, it was great.' And another in the same family, 'we never had...'

And which was it? Probably/possibly both, or neither. Of course, I'm waxing poetic, and different perspectives play a part. We are told that people who are able to 'go with the flow', bend with the wind survive better than the oak tree. We can't see the inside of a person. When raising children it is important to spend time with them.

For the most part, our here and now parents are rushing to get bills paid and give their children things. They should stop, look, and listen. Children grow up and God forbid, 'memory of what never was became the good old days'. Make not just memories, but good memories with your children today.

"The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy." (Proverbs 14:10 KJV)

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