Advice for Life
Health Advice: Good vs. Bad—One thing you can be sure of is there is never a shortage of advice. It may be good, or maybe not, but advice is easy to find. Follow the Money tells us how and why certain information comes about. For instance a study telling us how healthy a certain new product is. If you follow the money you find out who benefits from someone following the advice.
If you want to be a zillionaire 'a penny earned may be a penny saved', but you better have a different plan in place in order to see a zillion dollars in your bank account. There are a number of people in our world who give financial advice. I think of two, Dave Ramsey and Robert Kiyosaki. They both have good advice for finances, although it isn't the same advice.
Family advice: Not too long ago someone told me, "I don't think I want marriage advice from someone who's divorced." I can understand the feeling on both sides.
Sometimes a 'sadder but wiser' person can have advice that's usable, but that advice should be viewed with a grain of salt. In marriage counseling there are so many variables that what a sadder but wiser person observes in one situation doesn't work in others.
Advice for handling children...that is a tricky area. As one person said, 'When I was 20 and had no children I had 20 rules for raising children. Now that I'm 30 and have three children I have no rules for raising children.'
I'm sixty-seven and my husband and I have raised seven children. Our starting goal was to follow God's plan for raising our family.
It could be simple but life is hardly ever simple. However, advice rule number one was regular Church attendance every Sunday and midweek Bible study, which we all attended.
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever." (Psalms 111:10 KJV)