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Slings and arrows...

We see a baby with toys, but what does the baby see?

I've never seen myself as a control freak. I do have to admit 'when I put something in its place I want it to stay there'.

In talking to my sister a few years ago we were discussing plants, such as flowers, or whatnot, and me starting my garden plants inside.

"No," she said, "no, I do not have dirt inside my house."

Well, that settled that topic." I wish I could say, 'no dirt inside my house,' but dirt seems to freely roam my house with impunity.

In the summertime, my windows are all open unless I'm forced to turn the 'air' on because of intense heat and humidity. So, living on a gravel road, in comes the dust when traffic whooshes by.

When my babies were small—returning to the control subject—I most always had a playpen. This kept them where I could see them and in a relatively clean environment.

As the amount of children increased it also kept the littlest ones from under feet. It is also interesting to note, we were instructed to lay our babies face down for sleeping, not on their backs.

I would lay them down and place their toys where they could see them but just out of reach. When they woke up the first things they saw were toys that they might want to check out.

I had a nice new play pen with the first two babies, but when we moved my baby was almost two, so I gave it away. Of course we only planned on the standard two children, so I was technically done.

And that takes us to the idea that no matter what we may think it's always best to let God take the wheel. As my Aunt Gloria said when asked about having so many children. "No, I didn't regret it. Each year it was like a new present."

"The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law." (Deuteronomy 29:29 KJV)

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