Sunshiney Shower Won't Last
—Half an hour.
And it doesn't. If the sun is shining and a shower scoots through, it almost always only lasts a few minutes.
Lately our mornings have been cloudy, but by mid-morning, and at least by mid-day, the sun has come out from behind the clouds. Some days we endure the season of the wind.
That's the season that comes when it feels like it and departs when it chooses. Several people in our neighborhood often hint loudly that our local electric company should turn off the fans (if we have too much wind) or turn them on when we could use a cooling breeze.
I remember when the dinky electric/telephone poles were hailed as an eyesore distraction. Now we have these huge wind turbines, that turn into blinking red eyes at night.
Old Fuzzy has made the comment several times that never in his life had he dreamed he'd live in a red light district, but here we are in an area where after dark we are surrounded by blinking huge lights.
I have mentioned that I don't like the turbines. They are expensive and there are rumors that they are health hazards.
Yes, I had health issues before they put them up. At sixty years old it happens, but some of the increase in issues are bizarre.
Some people have insinuated that those who don't like them are the ones not getting paid by the company to put them on their property.
We chose not to have them on our property because we didn't like them. Selling your soul to the devil is not a good idea. We don't complain too loudly because it has given jobs to help other people.