Do You Know?
Someone has rightly said, 'you can't control what life throws at you, but you can control how you handle yourself'.
As I shared yesterday, Ecclesiastes tells us as young people to 'pay attention' to our decisions because when we retire it will rest on the decisions we've young people.
Our education today is in shambles. Often our lives consist of dousing one necessity at a time. Everyone begins life in the same way—as a child.
Why is it some people go on to achieve good goals? I can honestly say I don't believe if you ask a child what they want to become they would say an alcoholic, or a drug addict, or a failure. How about a dead-beat dad, or mom, for that matter.
At one time our schools, churches and homes reinforced the need for good morals/character training. All shaped by Christian standards from the Bible.
We ought to look around us in horror as we realize we have been sabotaged by an agenda that has as its goals drag queens in our libraries, pedophiles in prominent places...including in some cases our pulpits.
God forbid. This may seem like a stretch, but I keep hearing people in political arena calling for 'term limits' as if replacing one immoral politician with another one more often is the solution.
Since my hospital ordeal in September I get very tired, very fast, so about now is my time out moment, but I will try to tie this together with the one brain cell I have left.
Most of us in the cheap seats just want to make a living and make our lives around our jobs and our families. We have done this far too long..
We have elected people we think have our best interests at heart decade after decade only to wake up to our 'Amos' moment. We're bopping along in our world only to be steam roller-ed by snooty politicians, telling us to sit down and shut up because they're the experts.
***This is the closest explanation I can find to 'Amos moments'. The original post might be somewhere in archives:
In our Amos moment we realize not only have most of these people been feathering their nest at our expense, they've rigged the system against us and we're in deep trouble.
Even our good elected officials are hard pressed against these people when we have unelected judges and unelected appointed individuals making laws and telling us we must obey them or we're fined or jailed for noncompliance.
We need adults to stand up before it's too late, to begin checking these politicians out. If they don't reflect the values that are important to Christians don't vote them in. Not even once.