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Well, Here I Am

In perusing my pictures these tomatoes stand out to me.

These were from (at least two years ago) because I missed garden season all year in 2019. But not being able to jump in a time machine that would help me change any of that, I'll just remember.

Today our world is closer to the

one at the right side; beautiful, but cold, and supposed to get colder.

Old Fuzzy put on some of his bear wear and went out to play in the snow this morning. When we started our Truck Farm experience about thirty, almost forty years ago, one of our main expenses was our Mainline tiller.

During the summer it's our soil manipulator, and this time of the year it's a snowblower. We've had to change motors at least once, but it's still the same tiller. Today he was making tracks so we can get out if need be.

Last week I got more posting done than this week. I am thankful my readers are patient...Thank you.

This week I was able to get into the actual download of my editor's edit and have been reading her comments along the side as well as markups in the text.

I had hoped it would be my final edit, but I'm going to have to find an unbiased reader to read it once I get it all reput together. I do appreciate the editor's edit, yet, she puts comments in 'you must do this, or you'll make your readers mad'.

Now, I've been reading Detective/Mystery stories forever—close to sixty years, and I've given up solving the crime, but I still love the ride getting to the end. I don't get 'mad' at Agatha Christie because Poirot doesn't tell me everything he knows, or guesses.

I remember the day I thought I was finished 'writing' my book. So many things are so funny. I thought I'd just start sending it off to publishers, and...

The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city. (Ecclesiastes 10:15 KJV)

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