The Spark
Some people are what they are because that's what they want to be.
In church terms we realize that as human beings we have a 'fallen' nature. That isn't because God wills us to have that nature, it is our choice.
As Viktor Frankl said in his speech that I linked to yesterday, 'if we aim for where we actually want to be we make people worse. If we aim for up above where we want to be, just maybe we'll make human beings better. We'll make them as they could/should be.'
Like an athlete or any person striving to win at the games, perfect practice makes perfect. Floating through life, doing what is easy and convenient won't make us a better specimen.
I don't know any young person when asked what they want to be when they grow up that wants to be a drug addict, an alcoholic, or worse.
Until we get more tired of being where we're at than the effort it takes to change, we'll always stay where we are.
The first step is to imagine yourself as you would like to be. Put in your mind the image of yourself being successful, happy and whole.
Like the old adage, if you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all, never aim for a bad image.don't imagine bad things. Revenge or hateful is not a good image to aim for.
In my mind, one of the tenets of the Hippocratic oath has always been, 'first do no harm'. But it isn't in there. But it should be, and even if the actual words aren't there the precept is.
Decide who you want to be, then become who you want to be.