Throwing Stones
I always heard, "People that live in glass houses oughten to throw stones." Meaning of course that we all have feet of clay, and if you go about throwing stones at others they will throw them back at you.
Another saying, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me, is also a misnomer. Many people carry with them the wounds from the words of others.
Words of wisdom, old wives sayings, proverbs... these all have the intent to help people cope or to put things in a different perspective.
Life isn't often exactly like we would choose to have it be. But learning to do our best in whatever situation we find ourselves in is important. Finding good people to help us is also important.
Other than the 'Good Book, friends and family some of people I've come to rely on are people like C.S. Lewis, Charles Spurgeon, Shakespeare, Louis L'Amour, and a host of other authors.
One year Young Fuzzy wanted me to sew him an '1870 period shirt', like the ones he and his dad wore to volunteer at The Farm.
While Old Fuzzy was on a mission trip, I sewed his shirt. In return Young Fuzzy read a story while I worked. I let him choose the story and the author.
At that time, Mark Twain was not amongst my favorite authors, but Young Fuzzy chose Mark Twain's "Puddin' Head Wilson". I thoroughly enjoyed both the story and my reader.
I would say, it was a good story with a real twist, but anyone who has to be politically correct would not like it. Twain wrote in a different time about a different world. He wrote it as he saw it.
Which brings me to my last (and beginning) quote:
"You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks."
..Winston Churchill