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Slave-Wage Earner

In 1927 G.K. Chesterton. wrote a piece under the title of "Birth Control".

Back in that day they had 'progressives' just as we have 'liberals'. I'm not saying 'good, bad, or ugly', just that it happened.

And then you have people like Chesterton, whose use of logic goes unappreciated. I don't know the complete background of the ball being batted back and forth. It must have had to do with the progressives complaining about paying a living wage to their factory workers.

Since there are several comments about mothers, families and wages the conflict must have gone something like; 'if they didn't have so many children they wouldn't need more money...'

Remember, this is 1927 and dealing with women who are choosing to work outside the home instead of, as is the norm for the time period, remaining at home to run their household.

The article sets forth the question why? Why work for someone you don't know as opposed to your family whom you do know, and a husband which you have chosen as a life mate...

**"They seem to express a sympathy with those who prefer "the right to earn outside the home" or (in other words) the right to be a wage-slave and work under the orders of a total stranger because he happens to be a richer man. By what conceivable contortions of twisted thought this ever came to be considered a freer condition than that of companionship with the man she has herself freely accepted, I never could for the life of me make out."**

Here are some thoughts to consider:

*In communist countries families are expected to turn their children over to 'daycare' to be raised by impartial nannies.

*Two reasons here, people, both husband and wife, need to be productive pawns of the state.

*Children are molded into future workers of the state.

In this country we're so clever, we signed on to this without coercion. Our government likes both parents to work outside the home because:

*It gives them more (of our) tax money to play with.

*It keeps all of the citizens so busy they have precious little time to keep track of our corrupt government and its corrupt politicians.

*Even if the citizens do suspect foul play by their politicians, they are too busy trying to work to pay taxes (see last point made).

*The government can mold kids into anything they want, and parents won't know what happened.

*And look, your government is so generous, it provides 'free' daycare for your children (from your tax money no less) How very thoughtful...

Job 12:9 "Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this? 10) In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind. 11) Doth not the ear try words? and the mouth taste his meat? 12) With the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days understanding. 13) With him is wisdom and strength, he hath counsel and understanding."

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