The Recipe
In the age of unlimited access to recipes, the hard part about getting good advice isn’t getting it.
It’s following it. And then you might be able to turn the recipe into insight.
In our current world, I think everyone and anyone has the recipe, and the ability to tell us all something about nothing.
One of my children was talking on a day, but whether I was distracted or he had been rambling I don't remember. I stopped him and asked, 'what did you say?' His answer? 'Nothing I was just talking...'
Honestly funny— Perhaps he didn't want to repeat what he had said, or maybe he thought about it and decided it wasn't worth repeating.
Lately, I was listening to a speaker, when another onlooker whispered to someone beside them, 'What did he say?'. The other person replied, 'Nothing, he's just...'
The gist to the 'speaker spoke' story is that the speaker had strung words together, but he hadn't said anything.
Or as the other onlooker said, 'he's speaking words for affect but not meaning.' Saying something without saying anything.
A doctor someone on the radio was being interviewed about health issues. The problem with all of this is, no one size fits all in the health spectrum.
I'm at the point where I'm adopting the belief of KonMari—kind of. It isn't just possesions I'm discarding. My oldest son suggested I try drinking two tablespoons of vinegar every morning.
I tried that suggestion. I ruined my orange juice for a whole didn't make me happy. I discarded that idea. You see how it works? Exercise? Same thing...
In this day and time there is advice for everything. There are so many theories if you're not happy with one there is or shortly will be one you do like.
Be careful what you hear and believe. Not all words are created equal. Not all words are truth.