Ruby Tuesday?
There is an oldie song called 'Monday, Monday', but this week's oldie song is 'Ruby Tuesday'. Before I totally forget what it is in my mind about Monday's post: an old doctor, a young doctor, and a Marine Medic I thought I'd put a few thoughts down here.
It is neither an unknown fact nor is it funny, but lately there has been a rash of naturalistic doctors who are doing interesting things. Some even claim to have found cures for things like cancer. However, for some reason they are found suicidal, shooting themselves, oddly enough in the back of the head, or taking their lives in a bizarre manner, or in some cases just disappearing.
Therefore, in my pea brain, I'm thinking we need body guards for, in this case, doctors who are thinking outside of the box, doing unusual things, and in short bucking the system.
I'm writing a fictional story about an orphan boy that transcends his life from ten years old through the war years and into a young father. In other words from 1930 until after WWII, and his return home with his family.
There is a lot of research in writing especially in historical fiction. I've done much research on early education—different theologies, ideas, educators themselves, and country schools in particular.
Early education and medicine practices as well were of great interest to some of the early wealthy movers and shakers of this country. In their own words the 'progressives' said of education: we don't need workers that can read Latin and Greek, and do the higher forms of education. What we need is factory workers who can do the manual assembly line work. If you over educate them, they won't be content to do the mundane things. —Hence the dumbing down of American students started in the early 1900s. It was interrupted by the depression, but picked up again in the 1950s.
Medicine has been subtly taken over by these same progressives. They had money—we're talking about Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, Roosevelt, Ford, etc. They went to the medical board and said: we have (a large amount of) money to donate. All we ask is that since we are donating this money that we be allowed to put some of our people on your board to represent our interests. That sounded reasonable, and money does speak, so they got their toe in the door. These people weren't supporters of our republic, they were socialists and 'social engineers'.
Naturalistic, holistic, and any type of medicine that threatens the mainstream medicine is currently discouraged. One of the reasons we have fewer doctors today is the choke hold these people have on the flow of med students. In my state it is illegal to practice anything other than mainstream medicine.
If that isn't scary enough, now the Association of American Medical Colleges has changed its test for aspiring doctors. The AAMC is the only government approved accrediting entity for medical education, and its leadership appears to be weeding out applicants with Biblical viewpoints. Even with common core education, we can put these two and two's together. We are still talking about socialists (who supported Hitler) and social engineers (think to the eugenics movement from which Hitler took his programs, but began in the U. S.). Maybe we all need a personal body guard.