Another Day, Another Project
A week ago Sunday we had our Easter egg hunt, a pinata, and a barbecue. Monday my class assignment was for me to begin making a book trailer. When stuff like technical computer work comes up I nab my 'technical support', or go to guy. I keep telling him remember when we find the pot at the end of the rainbow... Of course if we never find that pot of gold we at least had fun looking.
First we began with a 'general script', a brief idea of what we wanted to say. A book trailer is similar to a movie trailer, so we whittled the script into something between 25 and 30 words and put it into stanzas similar to a poem. Next we needed pictures to go with the words, and the last part of the job we found music. It did take us all week, but we are pleased with most of how it came out. We are planning to get it up on the website later, hopefully sooner than later, Lord willing.
I've started laying out the next round of denim patches on the quilt. I desperately need to clean my office/computer room. My dear adorable cousin would faint away to see it today. It looks just about as bad as it did the day we threw into it all the things I needed to 'go through' before I got rid of them. Wink, wink. Here are a couple of pictures—three actually, of some projects I made for grandchildren several years ago Christmas. These were all the rage at the time. I took the pattern from some antique originals that I've inherited from my mother-in-law. They were used to store shoes back in the day, but Marie used them to store things i.e. chunks of wrapping paper, ribbon. I made these for the kiddos to put toys, books and whatnot in. They are good to store baby items as well. Here is a close up of one project:
I did get things given away out of my office, but somehow more things have joined the forces. Now my garden seeds sit in this office waiting to be seeded into the little grow packs. During my good years I would start most everything at the end of February, or beginning of March. If this continues I'll find myself 'direct seeding' and that would be bad. Our asparagus roots have arrived, but the ground is still very cold.
Sunday as I was working in the kitchen a robin came and sat in the tree staring into my window. This may seem a bit odd, but for some reason birds and animals 'talk' to me. Well, this robin was telling me our bird feeder was empty, and he and his friends are in a fix because the ground is still too cold and the worms aren't coming up, and would we please put some more feed in the feeder? I'm still working on it.
We had ice on everything Sunday late afternoon and evening. That's how bad it has been. Mr. Fuzzy is wanting to plant oats, but it's been cold and wet, and now it's late (in the season), cold and wet. My 'editor' has notified me that she is set to begin her analysis of "If I Should Die". I've got my fingers crossed, so here's to looking at you kid. And have a great week.