Coming and Going
Dear Reader:
I've never been good at writing letters. Oh, yes, I could on occasion sit down and put the words, 'Dear Person', on a piece of paper and maybe a few lines with it. Like the summer I had just began a "Dear Mom" letter, and after struggling for quite sometime my cousin Coco chided me with,"At this rate, she'll be here before you get that finished". Even when neither one of us expected her to come anytime soon... but to both of our amazements her sarcastic statement was prophetic, when who should pull in my Grandparents' driveway shortly thereafter? I digress however, I've never been known for my letter writing. The computer is great. I can scrabble down a few sentences with my 'Dear Person" heading and zing it across the universe. No looking for pencil/pen, paper, stamp, or envelope. Pretty neat trick, but sitting down and remembering what I'm sitting down to do...that's another problem.
This current letter writing problem came about as I have been informed that I'm needing to write a 'newsletter'. I clutched at my heart when these words were uttered. "Newsletter?! What would I write a newsletter about, and why would I write it?" People are interested in what's going on in your life, and... Honestly, I'll tell ya'll straight up, I'm skeptical, but I suppose there are people (I'm embarrassed to admit), I should be keeping in touch with.
Anyone who knows me knows that life happens around here. This October 15, is a Sunday. That means I didn't sleep well last night so I got up cranky because I didn't sleep well, and now I'm gonna be cranky as I get our Sunday noon meal ready— then me ready, for Church, slide in just under the wire for arrival time, and then...Well there isn't any place I'd rather be on Sunday than gathering with friends and family to worship the Lord, but I would like to be well-rested. Sigh. Did I mention I might be cranky? But everyone survives and... After I arrived back home from afternoon services—we have morning services, eat our lunch, then at 1:00 we have afternoon services since we all have to drive a distance to the building—I called my son to tell him we'd missed our deadline to get the first five pages of my current 'work-in-progress' into a contest. A fact which he refused to take even a smidgen of responsibility for, since that was the first he'd heard of the contest. Well, I did try, but I suppose he didn't deserve any blame... He said he had a headache. I'd overheard him tell his brother at church that he had a headache, so when he told me it was a pain headache, I heard him say he had 'the same' headache. At least we got a laugh out of it.
Catching up on some Face Book news a bit ago I found out that following a 'Keto' diet isn't as easy as I'd thought. One doesn't simply make sure they get enough 'fat' grams. A stray slice of tomato, or onion can make too many carbs. Too much protein can throw the diet off, as can a cup of black coffee. Well, nuts to that idea then. Who needs to be slim and svelte?
Being some fifteen days into this month here are some of the highlights: Last Sunday we did our Sunday thing, then Sunday evening my husband's (or Grandpa, or Dad whichever applies) brothers, Marv and Jeff, their wives, and our kids/and families came over for a cookout. Monday, this last week we had our second homeschool kids' get-together. My adorable cousin volunteered (wink, wink) to teach some of the kids some new games—one of which was rumixcube or somesuch game because I'm not sure exactly how it's spelled. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. We had barbecue sandwiches, chips, kool aide and cookies. It must have been a bad week for ovens, Saturday the 7th my oven caught on fire. I was baking brownies. My daughter christened them 'brownies flambe'. It proves that it's very hard to ruin good brownies. They all got eaten Sunday evening. Monday I made no-bake cookies and Adorable cousin brought sugar cookies, and adorable daughter brought scrumptious brownies.