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Simply Truth

Saturday in the distant past became pancake day. Old traditions die hard, so, even though there's only Old Fuzzy and I, we still observe pancake day.

During my life in the South there were pancake and waffle houses and lots of people patronized them.

Here in the North, not so many people appreciate the pancake and waffle mentality. It's a culture thing. I absolutely love a waffle with strawberries, syrup, and whipped cream.

Back when he was only Middle-aged Fuzzy, I couldn't think of what to get Old Fuzzy for his birthday, so I bought him a waffle maker.

Of course, I intended to use the waffle maker to make us waffles. Not a bad idea, except Mr. Fuzzy back in that day didn't really like waffles.

I don't know if it was right, but that's what I did. I do have the best waffle recipe in the world, so by the time Mr. Fuzzy became Old Fuzzy he has developed a liking for waffles.

"The second law of thermodynamics isn’t true because it was invented by Isaac Newton, it’s simply true. Newton merely described it." SG

Even though many hailed Sir Isaac Newton as a genius, Newton describes himself "like a child by the seashore just gathering pretty shells".

He didn't take credit, because of course, he didn't as it were, create the laws, only discovered them and revealed them to others.

For instance, how many people when they get out of bed in the morning say, 'Oh, wow I'm glad gravity showed up today'? Or when the sun comes up in the morning they say, 'Wow, who would have expected that"?

No, we take for granted these wonders, mostly because they have taken place every day for as long as anyone knows.

I am reminded of questions asked of Job by the Almighty, at the end of the book of Job:

Job 38:1 "Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, 2) Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?

3) Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. 4) Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding..."

I am also reminded that because of the world around us and the laws of nature, for humans not to acknowledge that there is a God takes special kind of blinders:

Acts 14:17 "Nevertheless he (God) left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness."

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